Waterford River Watershed
Project Overview
Conservation Corps Newfoundland and Labrador launched the Waterford River Watershed Research, Restoration and Education Program with the goal to conserve an important urban river system in the province. The project is funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada's Environmental Damages Fund. The Waterford River originates in the Town of Paradise, flows through the City of Mount Pearl and discharges into the St. John’s Harbour.
Urban River Management, Watershed-based Management, Regional Policies, Water Quality, Freshwater Ecology, Watershed Characteristics, and Land Use Impact.
Canadian Aquatic Biomonitoring Network (CABIN) standardized methods and standardized visual assessments.
Nature-based techniques implemented. 1 Hectare of riparian zone and floodplain restored.
1079 kgs of garbage removed.
1500 residents in the watershed were reached.
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The Waterford River Watershed Management Plan is prepared in support of the Waterford River Watershed Research, Restoration and Education program funded by the Environmental Damages Fund for the municipalities of the Town of Paradise, City of Mount Pearl and City of St. John's. This document is a draft copy and is prepared for the parties indicated. CCNL is not responsible for any third-party use of its contents.